

In LifeTag we seek that our partnerships result in cooperation and mutual benefit, just so you can achieve the objectives.


"BIOCANT Park is the first Portuguese venue entirely devoted to Biotechnology. Here, advanced Life Sciences knowledge and technology are developed and applied creating value in business initiatives."


"IBILI - Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Life Sciences is a research Institution of the Faculty of Medicine – University of Coimbra. IBILI is an internationally recognized centre of excellence for research in health sciences. "


"CEDOC - Chronic Diseases Research Center is an established institute which aims at excellence in medical research on chronic diseases."


"Blueclinical is a translational medicine company devoted to the development of medicines and medical devices."


"COHiTEC is a free training program in technology commercialization aimed at supporting the valorization of the knowledge produced at Portuguese R&D institutions."


"COTEC Portugal - Business Association for Innovation, is a non-profit association that has the support of its Members and the institutions of the National Innovation System (SNI) for achieving its objectives through the implementation of initiatives in various areas."


"Caixa Capital is the Private Equity and Venture Capital management company of Portugal´s largest banking group, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, present in over 20 countries and with over 100 billion Euros in assets."

€100k investment
Caixa Capital
"It is the hand of Fatima Martins and João Silva, a pair of researchers in the fields of biology and biochemistry, a new disease prevention kit as diabetes, colon cancer or Crohn's disease may soon get to the market."
Web-site  |  Caixa Empresas (February 2016) - Page 13